



Fall is getting close! Wow, it seems to go faster every year! Surely, everyone with kids has been buying school supplies and clothes and all that good stuff needed, I'm sure! 

Oh, I'm so glad I don't have to, I could NEVER AFFORD IT!

BUT, others are getting their homes ready for FALL DECORATING and oh boy!!! They go 'all out' for this time of year! This is my favorite time of the year, fall decorating is so enjoyable and I really look forward to seeing what ideas people have prepared for fall decorating in their home and yards and front porches! I like to drive around town and see how people decorate their yards. At night, we ride around and view all the lighted yard ornaments. Simple fun!

This is also the time of year when we are changing the decorations so QUICKLY!! Halloween, Fall and Christmas, oh my!! It quickly rolls together as one big THREE MONTH decorating monster!

Do you plan your decor? Do you just pick up something as you go shopping? Do you have a certain style? Do you mark the calendar as to when you change your decor?

So, I've been having a time of it, trying to decide what kind of wall art hangings I can create for this time of year. I have some at Zazzle and some at Spooflower, not many at Redbubble but will make some things for that shop soon.

Wall art is a simple way to add those cute designs to accent the season, easy to change out and store. Wooden shelf sitters are REALLY fun! They are so easy to interchange and mix and matching them is great fun and looks awesome!

I'm wondering which holiday is the one we decorate the most for. For some it's HALLOWEEN! For some it's probably Christmas. Or maybe it's just for FALL! So hard to know as a designer exactly what to design for at this time of year!
Get wall hangings at my Spoonflower shop!
I'll be adding more fall, Halloween and Christmas designs this week, it's that time of the year to design for everything!

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