


RESOLUTIONS??? I resolve to ...

... to be more creative! To do more 'hands on' arts and crafts instead of just digital art! I need this SO BAD right now too. I have been totally burned out, art-wise.

With the latest controversy over Ai (artificial intelligence) apps or programs, people/artists are really on one side of accepting this and thinking it's the best thing in the world to wanting to kill people for using it and claiming it as 'their own art' which, I believe, it is not!!! I HATE IT. LOATHE IT. YEP, I'M AN AI HATER.

I knew when I first saw art made by an ai program it made me look but made me quite literally, sick. Sick to my stomach that I have worked so hard to fine tune my digital art skills, painting skills and when I see a person who has very little artistic skills, one who paints child-like images on windows, come up with these incredibly complex and dreamy images with outstanding colors and effects all whirled together, my first thought was HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?

When I see people praising others for this outstanding art that they CLAIM they made, and they act like the artist is the best one in the world, it pisses me off so bad! The fact is that the art was not anything to do with them except for them typing in words. The art app produced the art. The art is gathered up and put into data bases. They used harvested art and harvested ideas and they were harvested by programs that scrape the net for images and they are usually copyrighted images that nobody gave them permission to use. 

I've asked people if they 'made' the art that they are selling as prints and they always say yes! But then they say how they made it in an ai program but then fine tuned it in Photoshop or another art program, like Artrage or Rebelle5, or whatever and to me, it's total dishonesty. They know the truth, it isn't their art. It is stolen art, stolen effects, stolen ideas and with all that, it is stealing real artists lives. It is not right and I resent it.

Do a search on it. Ask Google 'the pros and cons of Ai art' and you will see many, many, MANY artists and companies who are not standing for this generated art.

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